Tuesday, September 25, 2018

"Saturday's Child"

Yester-day I figured out a handful of parts for songs on The Monkees, including a couple guitar phrases and the chords for "Saturday's Child" (although I think I might have learned one of the guitar phrases a few years ago).  I think I now know at least a little bit of each song on the album, but I'm hesitant to make that claim because 1) what I know of "Papa Gene's Blues" is just a simplified version of the opening guitar phrase and 2) I can't find the notation I wrote for the bass part in "Sweet Young Thing."  When I went looking for it, I found the first minute or so of the bass part for "Saturday's Child," which I had forgotten I'd figured out.  My audio example stops just before the bridge.

When I listened to The Monkees recently, one of the things I noticed is that many of the tracks have multiple guitar parts, so I'm not sure I've divided mine up accurately.  I think there are at least three in "Saturday's Child," of which I have two (the third echoes some phrases from the vocal, but I haven't tried figuring that out yet).  I played single notes in the right-panned guitar phrase, but I think they might actually be double-stops.  For what it's worth, the left-panned guitar phrase is in drop D tuning.

There's a bit of static in my recording that I couldn't seem to get rid of, and the rapid strumming doesn't seem to be in sync all the time, but this is enough to give an idea of the parts I know.