Thursday, May 17, 2018

"She Makes Me Laugh"

Yester-day I listened to Good Times! again and decided to start including it in this project (I'd intentionally been avoiding writing about it for a while because I just wanted to enjoy listening to it).  I have a couple little things to write about, but I think I might wait on those for a while to see if I can find anything more substantial.

I did notice something significant about "She Makes Me Laugh," specifically this recurring guitar phrase:

(I notated it an octave higher than it's played, and that second F# is a bent note.)

This guitar phrase is extremely similar to the recurring guitar phrases in the Beatles' "It Won't Be Long."  Those phrases vary a bit, but here's the one from around 0:24:

(Again, I notated this an octave higher than it's played, and I think that that G natural note is also bent.)

The rhythms match exactly, and while the melodies aren't the same, they are extremely similar.