Wednesday, August 10, 2016

"Sweet Young Thing"

Backdated, archival post

[link to original on tumblr]


I was rushing when I put up my post yester-day, and - had I read it over again - I might have realized that what I said about my knowing only one song from the first album isn't true.  I even mentioned in my introductory post that I learned the bass part for "Sweet Young Thing."  It's actually not that interesting on its own because it's mostly just A notes.

I even wrote out the notation for this (thereby discovering that - if my knowledge of time signatures is right - this is in 2/4 time), but after recording it, I noticed something that invalidates what I wrote out.  The transition from the first verse to the chorus is just quarter notes, but the transition from the second verse to the chorus has a figure with eighth notes.  When I wrote out the notation weeks ago, I put repeat signs that indicate that the second verse is exactly the same as the first, which it isn't.  And I didn't feel like re-recording this, so that eighth note transition isn't in my recording either.  Until I learn an-other part to this, I probably won't update it just for the sake of two eighth notes.