A couple days ago, I watched A Night at the Opera (1935) and found an element that, perhaps just coincidentally, is also used in The Monkees. After Chico and Harpo sneak into the orchestra at the opera, Harpo starts antagonizing the conductor with a violin bow, and the conductor strikes back with his baton. The violinists then come to his aid, and Harpo and the violinists use their bows as swords to attack each other.
The same sort of gag is also in "Monkees a la Mode." When Toby reads the article about the Monkees that Rob Roy Fingerhead has fabricated for Madame Quagmeyer's Chic magazine, specifically the claim that "their taste in music runs to chamber music and organ recitals," there's an imagined scene of the Monkees as a string quartet, and Mike and Micky also use their bows as swords against each other, complete with clanging sound effects.